Jotform Tables

Jotform Tables

When a form filler submits your form, their entry is assigned to a unique number called submission ID. Knowing an entry's submission ID is useful for tracking the submission and for some actions like as configuring third-party apps or using...

Save and Continue Later, also known as Autofill or Continue Forms Later, allows your form fillers to save their partially filled-out form. These drafts are saved in Jotform Tables as incomplete submissions. Drafts not submitted within 2...

If a user completes a payment on your form, it will be posted as a valid payment submission. However, payments from off-page payment gateways like PayPal Personal are logged as incomplete until the payment is completed. Jotform also records the...

In Jotform Tables, the search bar is your primary tool for retrieving and filtering user data. It is useful when managing a large number of submissions from your users. It is convenient as it displays results as soon as you type them. Here are...

Jotform Tables makes it easier to manage your form data. Filters can help you search entries by dates, status, tags, terms, or answers. You can download, delete, or archive the filtered entries or save them into tabs....

Grouping entries by answers provides a structured view of your form data, making it easier to analyze. This can be particularly useful when you want to perform operations on a specific group of entries. To...

Jotform has this synchronization between Form Builder and Jotform Tables. This certain type of feature tells Jotform Tables to copy the labels and the order of the fields from the Form Builder. In Jotform Tables, you can change the labels and...

Jotform Tables allows you to edit the data submitted on your form in just a few clicks. You can use this to update entries or trigger workflows on your form. To view your form submissions...

Jotform's data export tool allows you to export and download your form submissions as an Excel file. You can manage your data efficiently in an Excel spreadsheet which is particularly useful for large records. This guide shows how to export...

In Jotform Tables, you can view, edit, print, flag, delete, and download submissions, among many other features. It's the central place to manage your form submission data. To view your form's...

The Jotform Form Builder allows you to create a file upload form. The files are sent through email as a link or attachment when configured. You can also download the files at once or download a specific set of files when needed. ...

If you need to create a hard copy of a form submission, this guide shows how to print individual entries in Jotform Tables. To print a submission In Jotform Tables, hover over an entry, then select View...

After downloading your form's submission data, you may want to delete some from your Jotform account and keep only the most recent ones. This guide shows how to delete your form's submissions in Jotform Tables....

Deleting unnecessary submissions helps optimize storage and keeps your account organized. If you accidentally delete submissions, Jotform Tables conveniently keeps the entries in the Trash for a certain period of time, allowing you to check and...

The revision history in Jotform Tables makes it possible to view and revert data, settings, or visual changes made on your table. To view and revert changes to your table: In Jotform Tables, at the top, select the save status...

Deleting a submission in Jotform Tables moves the entry to Trash which will automatically be purged after 30 days. Archiving a submission on the other hand moves the entry to Archive which you can keep indefinitely. Archiving Entries To...

Jotform Tables allows you to add new columns whenever you need to. You can add basic, formula, button, or connection column types. Organize columns as you see fit. You can duplicate, reorder, and toggle columns. You can also sort data...

To help you stay focused and get more things done, Jotform Tables allows you to hide columns from the current view. You could do this in multiple ways. Tab Menu The first method is through the Manage columns under the tab menu. ...

The column headings in Jotform Tables represent the field labels on the connected form. In some cases, you may find it helpful to rename these columns to something descriptive and meaningful to easily interpret datasets....

Jotform Tables has a freeze column feature that locks the columns in place. When you freeze a column, it remains fixed on the left side of the table even as you scroll horizontally. This ensures that essential information stays visible, making it...

Jotform Tables allows you to add new dropdown list columns easily. This can be useful if you need to create status labels to assign to form submissions or project tasks. For example, if you have a request form, approvers can indicate the status of...

Jotform Tables was created to let you, as the form owner, manage your data in a workspace that's easy to navigate. It is also focused on collaboration, so your team can easily take part and manage your data. Table view is Jotform Table's...

If you want to organize data from scratch or create a new table without existing entries, a blank tab allows you to begin with an empty slate. You can enter and organize specific information and create workflows, set up automated processes, or...

Connecting other forms within your account in Jotform Tables allows you to manage submission data from multiple forms in one place. This enables you to create a lookup or rollup in one of the connected tables. Records update in real-time,...

If you have an appointment form, an event registration form, an RSVP form, or a booking form, the Calendar view in Jotform Tables will come in handy.  The Calendar view provides you with a visual calendar display that includes the...

Cards view in Jotform Tables displays your form submissions in a grid layout. This allows you to quickly view data on each submission. You can also selectively display specific fields on each card so you can get a quick glimpse of the information...

The Uploads view in Jotform Tables allows you to display the files uploaded on your forms in a folder layout where you can quickly see the previews. To add an Uploads view: In Jotform Tables, select Add Tab in the upper-left...

The Reports view in Jotform Tables is a visual display of your form data. It's an automated report generation system that can generate bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, form submission grids, and HTML text and images. To set up automated...

Switching views in Jotformm Tables can help you understand your data better. For example, using the Table view to see everything at a glance or the Uploads view to focus on submitted files. Aside from the default Table view, you can create Cards,...

With a blank or standalone table, you can fully customize the structure of your table according to your specific needs. You can define your own columns, choose the appropriate data types, and organize the layout as you see fit....

Not to be confused with Import Submissions. Jotform makes it easier than ever for you to import data and manage your data in Tables. You can either import your data into a new table or an existing table....

Jotform Tables is focused on productivity, so part of its features are the options that let you access the Form Builder, particularly if you wish to View, Assign, and Edit the form. That saves you time going back to the My Forms page and pulling...

In Jotform Tables, it's possible to respond directly to form submitters. You can also forward submissions to your colleagues. It is helpful if you want to stop getting email alerts and prefer sending messages directly from your Jotform account. ...

By assigning entries to specific collaborators, you can distribute tasks effectively. Each collaborator knows their responsibilities, leading to better organization and productivity. Collaborators receive notifications when assigned to an entry....

You can embed and display your form submissions on your website with Jotform Tables. Furthermore, you have the option to embed your form data in different views like cards, uploads, or calendars....

Action Buttons in Jotform Tables allow you to set up entry-related tasks like sending emails, data, or files, and then perform those tasks with a single click. To add an action button In Jotform Tables,...

Jotform Tables offers a straightforward way to send emails to your respondents. The Send Email action button allows you to send your notification or autoresponder emails manually with one click. To use Send Email In Jotform Tables, add or...

With Jotform's Action Buttons, you can manually send your form data to other apps. It's helpful when your form data go through a series of reviews before they are sent to 3rd party app. With just a click of a button, your form data is sent to the...

With the functions of Action Buttons, you can send your form's file uploads and PDF copies of the submissions to file storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive right from Jotform Tables. This process will help you get your files or...

The Jotform PDF Editor is used to create customized PDF documents. With the functions of new Action Buttons - you can send the PDF document as an attachment to an email address whether manually or fetched from a field in the submission. In...

With the functions of new Action Buttons - you can send different forms to your form users right from Jotform Tables for a follow-up or proceed further contact. First of all, open your Jotform Table from what you want to send additional forms,...

The Request Update action button in Jotform Tables provides an easy way to send the edit link of an entry via email. You can specify the recipient addresses where the link will be sent along with an optional message. To add Request Update to...

The Send Data via Webhook action button in Jotform Tables allows you to send select data to a webhook endpoint. Push data to your own or 3rd-party services with just a few clicks. To set up Send Data via Webhook In Jotform Tables, add or...

Advanced Formula is a column type in Jotform Tables where you can create equations or expressions to perform calculations, return information, change values, and more. To use Advanced Formula In Jotform Tables, add a new...

Advance Formula in Jotform Tables has two types of operators: the basic operators and the logical operators. Basic Operators The basic operators in Advanced Formula are used with values — either referenced to a column or manually...

Jotform Tables' Advanced Formula provides various functions for handling text values. This guide describes the formula syntax and usage of text functions available in Jotform Tables. Here’s the list of text functions you can use in Jotform...

Logical functions in Advanced Formula are used to test whether a logical expression or argument is true or false. Depending on the result of that test, you can then elect to do one thing or another and conditionally display information, perform...

Numeric functions in Advanced Formula allow you to perform many of the common mathematical calculations in Jotform Tables, including conditional counts, exponents, and logarithms. Here’s the list of numeric functions you can use in Jotform...

Jotform Tables' Advanced Formula provides functions that allow you to retrieve, format, and perform operations on date & time in Jotform Tables. Notes: Jotform Tables converts dates to sequential serial numbers so they can be used in...

This guide describes the Advanced Formula syntax and usage of array and record functions for handing items in an array and for retrieving record information in Jotform Tables. Here’s the combined list of array and record functions you can...

With Jotform Tables, you can easily get the sum of your form fields using the summary feature and Advanced Formula. To get the sum of fields in a column In Tables, open the column's Add Summary menu at the bottom. Select Sum from the...